New business opportunities within biorefining and cascade utilisation
Stay up-to-date on the latest in utilizing the full potential of bioresources

The availability of bioresources becomes a central challenge in transitioning away from fossil sources. A sustainability challenge we need to overcome. In Denmark we must be even better at exploiting the full potential of biological resources. The session focuses on initiatives that support biorefining and cascade utilisation, business opportunities and infrastructure for scale-up prototypes.
11.30 Welcome by Kersti Haugan, Food & Bio Cluster Denmark
11.30 National initiatives to support biorefining and cascade utilisation
By CEO Lars Visbech Sørensen, Food & Bio Cluster Denmark
11.45 Biorefinery market and business opportunities
By Expertise Director Michael Maimann, NIRAS A/S
12.00 Support for scaling up and demonstration of new bioprocesses
By Section Manager Biomass Technology Henrik Grothe, Danish Technological Institute
This session is co-organised with ShapingBio and TechCircle
- 03. okt. 2024
- 11.30 -12.15
- FoodTech 2024, Hal F, Global Dilemma Stage, Vardevej 1, 7400 Herning, Danmark
- Gratis